Wednesday, August 29, 2007


New Mesothelioma Treatment

Several new mesothelioma treatments are being developed. Researches mostly revolve around developing new treatments or improving upon the traditional treatments. Hopes are high for mesothelioma patients as new chemotherapy agents and combinations of agents are giving improved results.

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a new mesothelioma treatment based on the theory that single celled organisms die when exposed to certain frequency of light. For this certain photosensitive drugs are administered intravenously. In a couple of days, the drug concentrates on the diseased cell and destroys it. Skin sensitivity, nausea and vomiting are some of the side effects.

Immunotherapy, sometimes called biological therapy, is another new method in mesothelioma treatment. In this method, the immune system of body is used to treat the disease. The body’s ability to treat itself might be hampered due to certain reasons. Immunotherapy tries to rejuvenate the immune system and there by improving the natural immune system which is the most effective way to combat any disease. The therapy also tries to repair immune systems that are faulty. Biological response modifiers (BRMs) are the substances used in immunotherapy. BRMs naturally occur in the body but it can now be prepared in laboratory and is found to give the same effect as the natural ones.

Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) is new treatment used to improve local control of mesothelioma. In this radiation doses can be administered to tumor without causing damage to nearby normal cells. Treatment at the DNA level is an important breakthrough in science. Gene Therapy tries to correct or replace abnormal genes. Replacement gene therapy and knockout gene therapy are two main types of gene therapy. In replacement gene therapy the mutated or missing gene which causes mesothelioma is replaced. In knockout gene therapy, the gene responsible for tumor is completely eliminated. With more and more information regarding genes being unfolded, gene therapy treatment has a promising future in the treatment of mesothelioma.

Treatments which use some combinations of surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy, called multimodality therapy, are being researched upon. Heated intraoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy and use of pemetrexed drug, brand named Alimta, are some of the new developments in the treatment of mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma Treatment provides detailed information on Mesothelioma Treatment, Mesothelioma Treatment Options, Alternative Mesothelioma Treatment, New Mesothelioma Treatment and more. Mesothelioma Treatment is affiliated with Mesothelioma Doctors Info.
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Friday, August 17, 2007


Mesothelioma Survival Rate

Malignant pleural mesothelioma is the most common type of malignant mesothelioma. Many factors may be involved in determining the survival rate for this aggressive cancer; some are better understood than others. Estimates of median survival time range from one to two years; survival depends on underlying factors such as the type and extent of spread of the mesothelioma. Only seven percent of people with this cancer survive to five years after diagnosis, but this outlook is gradually improving with some promising experimental treatments. Some people live well beyond five years from the time of diagnosis.

In general, younger age at diagnosis, absence of weight loss and limited loss of lung function are associated with chances for increased survival. Stage I mesotheliomas, which have not spread to the lymph nodes or adjacent tissues and organs, also carry the best prognosis. The type of cell the cancer is comprised of can also affect survival. The epithelioid cell type has the best prognosis, the mixed or biphasic cell type the next best prognosis, and the sarcomatoid cell type the worst prognosis. The majority of malignant pleural mesotheliomas are of the epithelioid cell type.

Because this cancer takes so long to manifest, people are usually diagnosed at an older age and with more advanced disease, potentially worsening the prognosis and the treatment options available. The more aggressive the treatment, the better the outcome may be, but in cases with cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, chemotherapy may be the only alternative. New drugs, such as the combination of Alimta with Platinol, have been shown to improve survival in malignant mesothelioma patients whose only option is chemotherapy. A number of experimental treatments, such as immunotherapy and biotherapy, are currently being evaluated in clinical trials.

Malignant Mesothelioma is the sister site of Peritoneal Mesothelioma Lawyers.
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Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Symptoms of Mesothelioma

By Laura Russell

Mesothelioma, or the cancer of mesothelium, is a fatal tumor that affects pleura, peritoneum, and pericardium – linings around lungs, abdomen, and heart respectively. It is a fatal disease caused by exposure to asbestos, a naturally occurring mineral.

Mesothelioma cancer be benign, i.e. it can be non-cancerous and non-spreading or it can be malignant i.e. cancerous and spread to other parts of the body leading to death. Its primary cause is prolonged exposure to asbestos and it has a latency period of about 30 to 50 years.

Types of Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma can be classified into three types depending on the area of body affected by it. There are 3 common types of mesothelioma:

  1. Pleural Mesothelioma
  2. Peritoneal Mesothelioma
  3. Pericardial Mesothelioma

Pleural Mesothelioma

The most common form of mesothelioma, Pleural Mesothelioma (cancer of pleura) is a tumor of the protective lining around the lungs. It can be either benign or malignant.

The pleura is a sac-like membrane made of two layers between which the pleural fluid is released. This fluid in turn acts like a lubricating agent and helps the lungs to function smoothly during breathing.


Common symptoms of Pleural Mesothelioma are:

Other symptoms of Pleural Mesothelioma, for both benign and cancerous forms, include:

Peritoneal Mesothelioma

Another common form of mesothelioma is peritoneal mesothelioma or cancer of the peritoneum that causes tumor in the abdominal lining. Like pleural it can be benign or malignant.

The peritoneum is the membrane that covers most of the organs in the abdominal cavity and also includes:


The fluid released in the peritoneum helps in the smooth functioning of these organs. When the peritoneum is affected, some common symptoms experienced are:

If the cancer spreads beyond the abdominal cavity, additional symptoms can be found, such as:

Pericardial Mesothelioma

Pericardial Mesothelioma or the cancer of pericardium is a tumor of the protective sac-like lining around the heart.

Pericardium protects the heart by:


When pericardium’s function is affected by mesothelioma, the following symptoms may occur:

If the mesothelioma cancer spreads to other organs of the body, it can affect their normal functioning and cause painful symptoms. Thus, it is important that mesothelioma cancer is diagnosed on time and proper treatment is given to save the patient’s life.

Laura Russell is a professional Health Writer having expertise in the filed of Mesothelioma Cancer
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Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Treatment of Mesothelioma

There are several treatment of mesothelioma . Mesothelioma is one of the few cancers that don't exhibit symptoms until the cancer reaches the late stage of development and it is at this point that many cases become incurable. It also has non-specific symptoms and thousands of cases each year are misdiagnosed as other, less severe respiratory conditions. Simply put, mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that affects the thin layer of protective tissue around the major organs, most noticeably the lungs, heart and stomach and recently it has been positively linked to the mineral asbestos. This thin layer of tissue, the mesothelium, allows inhaled asbestos fibres to embed themselves, and it is here that they can lay dormant for up to 50 years before becoming cancerous.

The symptoms that are associated with mesothelioma depend on which of the body's organs are affected.

Pleural mesothelioma : This type of cancer affects the lungs and causes a number of symptoms including:

· Persistent cough that doesn't improve with medication · Breathing difficulties · Shortness of breath · Fever · Difficulty swallowing · Chest pain · Weight loss

Pericardial mesothelioma : This second type of mesothelioma affects the heart tissue and includes the following symptoms:

· Breathing difficulties · Chesty cough · Palpitations

Malignant Peritoneal mesothelioma : The third type of mesothelioma affects the stomach and causes the following symptoms:

· Nausea and vomiting · Abdominal pain · Weight loss · Bloating of the stomach · Bowel obstruction · Fever

Obviously all of these symptoms can also be due to a number of other conditions however anyone who experiences them should consult a doctor, especially those who have been exposed to asbestos in the past.

Unfortunately for mesothelioma victims, the symptoms only present themselves late in the cancer's development and so in many cases treatment is palliative rather than curative. There are a number of possible types of treatment that can be used against mesothelioma and the course of treatment that is prescribed will depend to a large extent on how developed the cancer is and how far it has spread around the body. This information can be determined using x-rays, CT scans and MRI scans because these imaging techniques can provide a detailed view of the cancer's progression and how many areas of the body are affected. The possible forms of treatment include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and palliative care and either a single form or a combination will be used.

Surgery. Surgery can be used in cases where there is an obvious large tumour however it will only become an option if the tumour is causing chronic pain or if it is causing an obstruction e.g. in one or both of the lungs. Because mesothelioma can take between 30 and 50 years to develop many sufferers are elderly when they are diagnosed and so the option of surgery will also depend on age and general state of health. Occasionally it is considered safer to live with the tumour than to risk the rigors of surgery.

Radiotherapy. Radiotherapy is most effective when the mesothelioma is confined to a single site, such as the lungs. It can and often is used in conjunction with chemotherapy as an extra defence against any small pockets of cancerous cells that might survive drug therapy. Radiotherapy can produce some side effects however they are easily treated and rarely cause problems.

Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy for mesothelioma will more often than not involve a stay in hospital while a specific drug concoction is introduced to the body intravenously. Chemotherapy is used when the cancer has spread to other areas and so the treatment needs to attack multiple sites.

Palliative care. Palliative care can include any of the above treatments however they will be aimed at improving and extending the quality of life rather than providing a cure. Palliative care will also include pain relief as in many cases the mesothelioma is well advanced and causing chronic chest and abdominal discomfort.

Mesothelioma is considered a rare form of cancer however in the last decade the number of cases diagnosed each year has steadily risen. Since becoming associated with asbestos many victims have successfully sued their former employers and many more are starting proceedings each and every year. Today workers have to wear protective clothing and breathing apparatus while working with asbestos and so it may be that the presence of mesothelioma dies along with the current generation.

Andrew Daigle is the owner, creator and author of many successful websites including CancerAbout at , a Cancer Resource site and , a Mesothelioma Lawyer Resource site.


Sunday, August 12, 2007


Asbestosis Lawyer :4 Steps To Choose

4 Steps To Choose A Great Asbestosis Lawyer or Asbestos Law Firm

Choosing the best asbestosis Lawyer can make the difference between a long drawn out case with limited compensation and a quick recovery and great compensation.

1. Interview at least 2-3 asbestosis Lawyer

Some asbestosis Lawyer will not charge you up front but will take a percentage of the proceeds. As per Oklahoma city mesothelioma lawyers or Oklahoma city mesothelioma attorneys , There will be a variance in the percentage each asbestosis Lawyer takes from the proceeds. This can vary from 20-50 percent of the compensation.

2. Experience of the Asbestosis Lawyer

Just because an mesothelioma attorneys receive a higher percentage of proceeds does not mean they are the most experienced. Find out the number of years they have been practicing and ask for referrals.

3. Accomplishments of the mesothelioma attorneys

Have them show you examples of suits they have won, because this will help you decide if they have the experience.

4. Will the attorney you interview be the one to represent you

Some asbestos law firms will have their lead attorney interview and then turn you over to a less experienced associate.

In conclusion, use these guidelines and you will save yourself and your family a lot of frustration, time and money. Interview, check experience, check accomplishments and be sure which Asbestosis Lawyer is representing you.



Asbestos Lawsuits

By E Schwack

In the 1970's the onslaught of Asbestos lawsuits began. The target of the class action lawsuits have been shipbuilders, manufacturers, mining companies and construction companies. Because many of these buildings/mines/ships still stand mesothelioma and of course mesothelioma class action lawsuits continue. Mesothelioma causes death so you would think that the reward should be substantial. But of course. In actuality the average reward is $1 million. A great trade for a life! Hundreds of cases can be in a Asbestos lawsuits and a jury may grant a $100 million as a reward since it seems like a good punishment. law attorney mesothelioma asbestos ncer settlement What does $1 million do for someone whose life is ruined?

Well not much of course, BUT even less if they do not even get the whole $1 million. The average attorneys' fees have been 40% of the total reward. So, the victims life is ruined and he gets $600,000 but the lawyer gets $400,000 for redundant work. This would explain why the web is dominated by class action lawyers seeking new mesothelioma clients. One name added to a list that was already going to trial = $400,000 for the lawyer. and oklahoma city mesothelioma lawyers actually states "If you are bound by the outcome of the class action, you can't bring your own mesothelioma case and you won't have direct control of the lawsuit (but for the ability to raise some objections about a proposed settlement or the amount of the attorney's fees). You are also more likely to receive a lower amount of damages when your claim is grouped with so many other victims of asbestos-related disease, as awards for mesothelioma claims are generally higher than asbestosis and other asbestos-related diseases.

With a mesothelioma claim, you are probably better off on your own. You have the ability to directly control your case, attorney fees, and potential damages. But you will also have to hire and pay for your own lawyer and you won't share in any benefits received in the mesothelioma lawsuit class action."

Eric has been an effective marketing manager for over 2 decades. He has sold products to clients as diverse as toddlers to fortune 500 companies. educates users on some of his lessons he has learned in his successful sales career.

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Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation

By Ermenegildo Billar

Not much is known about mesothelioma , even though each year around 10,000 mesothelioma death around the US. The first case of mesothelioma linked to asbestos inhaling was recorded as early as 1898. Then year by year more cases started to appear until now where the number reaches more than 100,000.
mesothelioma applied research foundation pittsburgh

According to the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 1.3 million US hard workers of the construction industries and those involved in buildings and equipment maintenance are at risk of acquiring mesothelioma by inhaling asbestos. You most certainly think that a mesothelioma research funding should be started. Well you're right, and there is! It's called the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation. Their mission is to and I quote:

" · funding the highest quality and most promising research projects from around the world through our rigorous peer-reviewed process;

· helping patients connect with national meso experts and obtain the most up-to-date information on treatment options;

· and advocating in Washington D.C. for federal mesothelioma research funding to stop this national tragedy."

You can rest assured that someone somewhere is doing something about informing the people of the deadly mesothelioma. We can dream of a day in which no more companies use this toxic material... asbestos .

Mesothelioma Risk

So far mesothelioma is known to be a malignant tumor caused by inhaling asbestos fibers for a long period of time. It is very hard to control and its symptoms appear from 10 to 20 and in some cases even 30 years after exposure. The most common types are pleural mesothelioma, which affects the lungs, and peritoneal mesothelioma, which affects the abdomen.

Treatment of Mesothelioma

For now there are various treatments that can be used to care for mesothelioma. It generally depends on the stage of the disease, your age and the location of the cancer. It varies from radiation rays, chemotherapy, and surgery. However none of these procedures actually cure the illness, they just act according to symptoms and try to alleviate the patient from as much pain as possible. Otherwise mesothelioma survival rate is very low.

After certain events in his life, Ermenegildo Billar has dedicated years of his life to understanding and helping people with the malignant mesothelioma. Article Source:

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